
Friday, November 20, 2009

my darkestwish

This feeling transcends all physical desires;
you are my darkest wish,
so secret yet screaming to be fulfilled...
so close but so far out of reach,
though I swear I can feel each furtive glance,
your gentle touch like fire on my skin;
in this moment of bittersweet longing I feel sadness and joy and despair and ecstasy all at once,
nearly tearing me in two.

A Rant.

Why are people so selfish? Seriously, ever damned time I get into some kind of political argument about socialism, the same line comes up: "It's mine I earned it." What ever happened to sharing, to helping people who are down? I mean, how goddam heartless can you be, for frak's sake?

Because really, that's what it's all about. Helping your fellow man. Yeah, I understand the whole "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" thing, I get that. To some degree I agree with it. My mom, for instance, sunk to the lowest of lows for a while when we were with my dad. She pulled us out of it and now we're doing pretty well. But sometimes it's just not possible. Some people are, in my opinion, unlucky. Some people don't have support from their friends and family. Some people are born poor and are never shown that they can live a better life, one that's safe and caring. I firmly believe that's part of the cause for all the rampant crime today. People steal out of need, out of fear, kill to survive in places like the Bronx and Chicago. They make a living in the only ways they know how, whether it be through drugs, sex, theft, etc, because no one cares enough to help those people, to stop the cycle of violence they're all caught in. Why is it such a bad thing to give a little of your money to a cause that can help fix this world? Granted, our government is corrupt and of course doesn't always use our taxes for what they're intended, but that's a whole different discussion. What I'm saying is, socialist programs aren't all bad. Of course we need to reevaluate the ones we have now, throw out the freeloaders who have the ability to get by, but people need help still.

We crusade around the world trying to help people in need, spreading our democracy to places deemed backwards in their practices. But we forget about our own people, our own country. You can't fix others if you don't first fix yourself and your own problems.

That was not the best written but it is a rant, something that's been bugging me lately. Enjoy.